Tea for Thy Master

Task statement:
Rumor is that the dragons in the newly opened lands partake of a special tea that enhances their magical ability but what remains a mystery is what makes this tea so special. We don't know if it's the ingredriants, the brewing technique, or a magical tea pot. Yet we've recently heard that some agents from Dark Reign have infultrated the temple to steal some of this tea. You must prevent this from happening and bring some of the tea back so we can see what makes it so magical. First find the tea master, greet him warmly, and make sure that he is well for surely those working for Dark Reign mean naught but harm to him. Once you have demonstrated your worthiness, he may part with the secret of the tea.

Reward: 29 crystals.

In this mission you are charged with assisting a goblin, Tea Master. He is up the circular stair, first room on the right. Clear the area before hailing him because once you do he is attacked by a spider sent by the Poison Master. Once the Tea Master is safe, you will need to go kill the Poison Master. He'll be in the circular room to the north. When it dies, your task updates and you need to collect 3 ground spawns, a small bag of raw stillmoon tea leaves, a drakescale fungus cap, and a bunch of gnawing grubs.

The tea leaves are in the koi garden to the right of the bridge near the water in the reeds.
The fungus cap is a blue mushroom near the water in the reeds just in the next room and a little to the left.
The grubs are near an ancestral guardian in the next room.

When the items are picked up, 4ish mobs spawn and agro. If you have a fd class, have them do it, or a mage coh'ing, or make sure the tank picks them up. Regardless, once you collect the 3 items return to the Tea Master. Turn in the 3 ground spawns for reward.

ToDo: Create map with markers for ground spawns, tea master, and poison master.