Tracking the Kirin

Task statement:
There is but one kirin who knows the full history of Stillmoon Temple. Finding the elusive creature has proved difficult however. We would like you to tryyour hand at finding him and return any knowledge of the Stillmoon Temple that you may be able to obtain. To accomplish this you will have to cause a commotion of some sort that may bring him out of hiding. Once you've killed enough of the guards, the kirin is likely to be wandering about unseen. Look for a sign that he's lurking around and track him back to his lair. Then bring back the tome we seek.

Reward: 48 crystals.

This mission is more complex then most. You'll start by killing 10 guardians in the courtyard and surrounding areas to create the commotion. Afterwards you need to trigger "footprint" points in sequence. This can either be done by an SoS rogue or by simply killing everything. The footprints will lead upstairs. Clear the hallway and then send the tank trigger the last few points to spawn the Reclusive Kirin. He casts an AE knockback, so levitation is handy. Loot the tome, gate back to lavastorm, and turn it in for reward.
There are no repops here.

ToDo: Create a map of footprint locations.