Bayle's Heraldic Crest

The Bayle's Heraldic Crest is the end result of 22 quests in the Oceangreen Theme.

The parts

In addition to the above items you need to purchase Heraldic Crest Repair Kit, a 6 slot container, from Cirtan, Bayle`s Herald in Oceangreen Hill (you'll need indifferent faction).

The combinations

Combine the first set pieces in the repair kit to create Crest Upper Field.
Combine the second set pieces in the repair kit to create Heraldic Keep.
Combine the third set pieces in the repair kit to create Crest Left Field.
Combine the fourth set pieces in the repair kit to create Crest Right Field.
Combine the fifth set pieces in the repair kit to create Crest Lower Field.

At finally put all 5 parts into the Empty Heraldic Crest Frame ( 5 slot container, also bought from Cirtan in Oceangreen Hills) and voila, your very own Bayle's Heraldic Crest.

For a printable checklist, go here.