A Special Favor - Special Delivery

Who- Fenden Helter
Where- Dragonscale Keep
Requirements- None
Phrase- acts

Mission steps: Reward: Notes:

In the Fangbreaker camp near the fire you'll see a Box (if its not there wait 30 sec, very fast respawn). Pick it up to get a Special Delivery and a Delivery Facilitator.

Next head due west to a spot just Northeast of the bridge to bloodmoon (mapmarker below) and you will get attacked by "tiny worgs". Click your Delivery Facilitator and they all die. Once dead invis up and keep going west, then follow the road west and north. You'll be jumped by "tiny worgs" again. Use the Facilitator to kill them, but be careful. Real worgs patrol the area so be careful of getting attacked before you can refresh invis.

Head north to the Hills of Shade cave and you'll get attacked by "tiny worgs" for the third and final time. Use the Facilitator to take care of them, then return to Fenden with the package for your reward.