Using the Portals

Once you complete the portal tasks you can use them to quickly move around the zone. However it can be a bit daunting until you understand what portals lead where. I will be using the names from the portal tasks to describe where each pad takes you. For starters there are 2 teleporters in the zone in room, the one in the NW corner will take you to Sanctum Beza and the NE corner will take you to Sanctum.

The two Sanctums each have 6 pads. 1 pad leads back to the Zone In, 1 pad leads to the other Sanctum, and the other 4 pads lead to the 4 Inner portals. Each of the Inner Portals also have 6 pads. 1 will lead back to either Sanctum or Sanctum Beza, 3 will lead to the other Inner Portals, and the last 2 will be to the 2 of the 8 Outer Portals that are closest to the Inner you are on. For example, Inner Beza is the NW of the inner, so it leads to Outer Caza and Outer Dena, the closest to it. Each of the Outer Portals only have 4 working pads which lead to the 4 Inner Portals.

Use the following table to identify what each pad looks like. Note that the Zone In has 3 lines, the Sanctums have 2 lines, the Inners have 1 line, and the Outers have no lines.

Zone In

Sanctum Azia

Sanctum Beza

Inner Azia

Inner Beza

Inner Caza

Inner Dena

Outer Azia

Outer Beza

Outer Caza

Outer Dena

Outer Ena

Outer Faa

Outer Gaza

Outer Heda