The Source of Shissar Power

Who - Arcanist Tivalin
Phrase - "venture into Silyssar"
Req - Must have completed "Confront Emperor Vaakiszh"

Currently, you must "sneak" to speak with Tivalin, but he still gives out the mission if you say the proper phrase. Once inside Silyssar make your way to the 3rd temple. On the 3rd and 4th floors of the temple you will find 4 "Collection Bowl"s, which need to be returned to Tivalin. You will also need to destroy 2 "a power conduit", these are little Easter Island heads that are destructable objects. These little statues have a decent number of hp, so don't expect to sneak through, you'll need to clear. Whoever gets the kill shot will receive a "Power conduit shard" on cursor, tradable. You can add their locations to your map with the following lines:

P 660.0000, -87.0000, 588.0000, 0, 127, 127, 3, Conduit
P 419.0000, -69.0000, 638.0000, 0, 127, 127, 3, Conduit

You will also need to kill 2 "a Shissar ritualist", which are also found on the bottom floor. These each drop a "Vial of inky blood", tradable. You can add their locations to the map with the following lines:

P 411.0000, -154.0000, 589.4750, 0, 127, 127, 3, Ritualist
P 808.0000, -23.0000, 589.4750, 0, 127, 127, 3, Ritualist

Using a rogue to collect the bowls will cut down on the amount of clearing required.

Once everything is dead and looted, return to Tivalin the 4 bowls, 2 shards, and 2 vials to complete the task.