by Kumudil » Tue Nov 17, 2009 8:08 pm
Until around 65 it is not a big case. Just start with 2 tankmercs .. oreven 3. Up to that level they are really poweful. They add a high averange dps and need almost never heal, due to their hight regen.
with mage + nec, I would say best fit is bard. The boost for the pets from the lvl 70 aura of the muse is great and stacks until today. The best of this aura is, it will also hit the swarm-pets, be it the RS-line for the mage, be it the "wake the dead" line from the necro.
Lateron with mage nec +3 mercs boxing all, the main concern will be to assure, that single mobs arrive. Thats done best with bard or chanter. The most dps-increasing buff from shaman is the + damage mode from champion. The mage-petbuffs incorporates already a better version, and the petaura "rathe strenght" spreads this type of mod to all pets + all swarmpets also. The rest of the shaman-stuff is long-therm buffs you can prefetch in the Guildlobby befor you depart, or aswell do without, ists mostly some hp-buff.
Enchanter today are the best defensive class by a big margin. Bards are more versatile, they can adapt better to the actual needs. When going full defensive (for hard nameds) they can do that very nice. Where full defensive is not needed, they as well can swap to "dps-mode" and be very strong as well in enhancing meele (like the pets) andalso caster (like your pets-owner). My guess would be, that to a combo mage-nec a bard adds more power than an enchanter.
The bards biggest strength in a growing-up group is the power of beeing by a margin the fastest single-puller available. He can do that pulling very effecient and still be most of the time in camp supporting all.
If you like it a little more peppered, the enchanter can go in charm-mode. Taking mobs as pets can net high dps, but is also risky. A long-term snare like that of a druid or a ranger would lower the risk much better than the short-term snare of the nec can. Boxing a charm-crew efficient is very challenging. I woud guess its not easy to keep this going for longer stretches.
Bard running as main-focus and mage + nec operating with some good hotbuttons is easyer to keep going also over longer streches. Bard is also the most different class in eq. The range he offers from full defensive to full offensive and the possibilty to adapt anywhere between depend on the groups ability and those of the mobs makes him very interesting. When a bard is in group, he decides the pace of all. Does the healer has his challenge keeping the tank alive? no? .. swap one defensive for an offensive song, or bring mobs faster. The healer has problems keeping the tank? .. bring mobs a little slower and already a litle predebuffed to the tank. Still at risk? .. boost more the AC of the tank.
Shaman is my main, for my usual group of real players he is (still) the preferred one. When I go boxing the shaman is second choice. I buff the chars and their pets on the other accounts with the shaman and than log to a bard on this account. For boxing the possibilities of the bard fits better my needs.
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