by Sudancia » Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:43 pm
I remember learning of this issue shortly after I lost my 3rd child. My child wasnt born yet, only 13 weeks in the womb. I was an emotional wreck and still am to a degree. However as a minority I was baffled to hear how many people said they couldn't get up and leave when the warning was given to get up and get out of the area.
Sure you have to consider the elderly who aren't very mobile, same for the mentaly challenged. There are people as well that aren't able to walk/run due to physical handicaps.
The issue that I want to touch base on are the poor. In every town or city there will be poor. However , from what I saw on Fox/CNN while they were refering to the people that couldn't leave cause they couldn't afford it they were showing pictures of people on top of their 3 story houses and on top of hotels waving to the camera/chopper for help. There wasn't one or 2 pictures of people with houses, nor 6 or 8. Most of the pictures we saw were of people on top of their houses. Sure there were some in the water walking while their family was in a boat that was being pulled, but most of what we saw were people on their houses.
We have a classic situation here that needs to be broken in the country and I for one as a minority am sick of this. People need to learn NOT TO RELY ON GOVERMENT!!!!!!!. In the end it is YOU who will get screwed when emergencies like this come. WE ALL have the power to make a choice. Even if you say you cant "afford" get leave there are things you can do. Get up, get a bag of clothes, and start walking away form the zone that will be effected. Get someone else to carry the food you will need. In a emergncy like this its time to hitch hike folks. Put that thumb out and wave it in the air!!! In my state this is illeagal(well, its illeagal to pick up people doing this) But if this were comming to my area, I WOULD MAKE A WAY! If for no other reason to protect my children, Not expect a free hand out via the goverment to come to my door and have a limo outside my govement housing ready to pick us up. I WILL MAKE a way. Even as a Fleo I would do this if I had no other way. I would also carry means of protection as well. This doesnt mean pulling it out every 2 minutes.
People are now finding out that the Police/Gov can't protect everyone. In the end it WILL BE EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF till a military/police force comes and takes control.
TOO many people expect the gov to be their saviour and TONS of people have now payed the Ultimate price for their "Laziness" or "Lack of common sense". This dosen't in any way mean I belittle those who died, only those who had a means to get out and refused, now they are screaming where is my food, where is my water, where is my protection, I got raped, you didn't protect me. (not me personaly)
PEOPLE it's time to wake up and smell the coffee. Those people who were on their house, mostly black, did have a way to get out of harms way. If you have enough credit to buy a 3 story home or to even rent one, they you can find a greyhound bus.
I perosnaly think most of the people could have left but they chose not to. For what ever lame excuse they could make up, they didn't want to leave. "They" (the people) didn't take this storm seriously enough.
Lvl 65 Prophet-Tribunal
Lvl 70 Stone Fists -No gods
"Freedom is never given; it is won." - A. Philip Randolph