by Garf » Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:37 am
Awhile ago I started a thread concerning how shaman faired in Vanilla, as well as Kunark and Velious, and received some decent responses. While I never actually got deep into that old school server like I planned to, another has come around on EQEMU and I'm closing in on level 30 - it's addictive. Things like finally hitting 9 and getting SoW, buying a full suit of banded for 1pp/ac at 15, and (recently) picking up two of the spells that define our class - Canni and Regen - remind me why I spent so many hours playing EQ live years ago, I love it. For anyone craving the Classic experience, they've done it right, I'm willing to bet quite a few of you have forgotten how big the Karanas really are, how to run from Qeynos to Mistmoore, how intimidating crawling a dungeon feels, and how rewarding looting a CGS or completing the Paw of Opalla quest can be, etc. I started during Velious on live, so quite a bit of this is new to me - especially leveling zones - and even though it's an emu server, it's still a hell of a lot of a fun. There's a damn good community base thus far, and it's only been around a monthish; I'd rather not post the actual name here - other successful EMU servers have been cease and desisted - so the fewer google searches that pull up its name the better, heh. Just PM if you'd like more info - if you're not active on live and/or are even curious about starting up on this server to see if you like it I'd be more than happy to throw a few plat, bags, and a fine steel weapon or two your way to get you started. The server devs are busting their asses and it shows.
Anyways, back on point. I realize we really don't come into our own concerning hp/ac until Kunark, and I was wondering if any old schoolers remember tips from back in the day they'd care to share. Anything from pieces of gear that were particularly useful to a shaman, to a solid strategy on solo camping the ancient croc for gatorscale, to the best place to hunt mobs for plat. This is a shot in the dark, but I'm hoping a few of you remember the Vanilla experience and don't mind educating me like Wildaar, Snoww, and Gloriana used to back in the day. The info doesn't necessarily have to apply just to Vanilla, as they'll eventually be releasing Kunark/Velious - but Kunark probably won't be around until next summer, so I'm mainly concerned with Classic at the moment.
Damn good to know this board is still around, I walked around in druid gear until someone told me about the Crucible a long, long time ago. Grabbed a Rune Etched Icewurm Fang and a Sarnak Battle Shield shortly thereafter and never looked back. Hope live is treating you guys well, cheers.
tl;dr - There's a classic server on EQEMU I encourage anyone to try out, PM me for info; in the meantime, any tips about Vanilla EQ that would help out a shaman are greatly appreciated.
SoW plz~