Collection of Poetry (through the years)

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Collection of Poetry (through the years)

Postby Kubax » Mon Apr 24, 2006 3:17 pm

Collection of some poems i kept throughout my years of playing EQ - i know they're not great, but somehow i'd like to preserve them. Hope yall don't mind.

"Farewell, dear Princess of the Everfrost Peaks,
the winds here were too cold for ye cherry-red cheeks,
but im sure our paths will again cross each other,
and im grateful that we still remain Sister and Brother.

You, dear Gamini, showed me the meaning of love
and friendship, as we held each other close in our secret cove.
You inspired me and helped me through the dark times, though i commited horrible crimes.
Your light will always guide me and is secured deep within me heart,and i vow that i never do anything again to tear our friendship apart.

Dear Sister, please know this -
your tender touch and sweet kiss i will miss.
Though there is a new love in me life
to see you walk away cuts like a knife.
But the feelings who came alive in me through ye kisses will never fade away,
and forever in me heart and soul ye will stay."

"Out of the blue ye stood before me one day...
and since then, i would rather die then see you walk away
The way you touched me, my spirit, soul and heart
is of a unique and special kind
and though i know that our earthly shells will part
this world, our souls up to the heavens will wind
Nothing i will promise, i can only vow
that i will be your Light in life, a warm and tender glow
Words will never be enough to describe the vast deepness of my feelings for you completely
let me just say that i breathe and simply am alive only for yee
And so, i kneel before you with nothing to hide
and ask: would you like to become me beloved woman and bride ?"

"Rain keeps falling down outside
in my own place i do hide
from all the shadows, from the memories of the past
finally believing that nothing ferever will last
yet in my heart you will stay, you are my courage, wisdom and power
and i always will remember you as a delicate, yet strong and beautiful flower"

"A being so pure, so innocent and sweet
i laid my eyes upon, and i could not speak
it was like the world stopped turning for a moment, and all the birds stopped singing
there she stood, and my heart was banging
feelings so intense that it almost hurted overflowed my soul and heart
and from that second i knew that i could not part
for it was her who gave meaning to my life again and made me know that this was true
and for all that i thank her ferever, lovely Mlady Bellaroo"

"Her lips so red, her eyes so clear
it was almost too much for me to bear
her voice so pure and so compelling
her sitting close to me was oh so thrilling
never before i had this kind of feelings inside me so strong
aye, there were other women that came along
but none of them succeeded in turning me upside down with Love's Spell
like she did, beloved Mlady Bell"

"Heart aches, heart brakes
my universe in its angles shakes
how i wish for a soft shoulder to lean upon now
and i close my eyes and away my thoughts flow
to a being of beauty and grace, of joy and kindness
and all i ever wish is to hold her tight and her skin to caress
oh my beloved, hear my call and ease my pain
for without you by my side, im bound to loose my mind and go insane..."

"Devouring desires burn inside
from the face of this world i want to hide
for she isnt around me now
thus, i feel weak and my heart hangs low
shes the one that can bring me unbelieveable joy
and i dont mind being her one and only toy
for her love is the meaning of life to me
and without her - what would i be ?"

"A spark in the night, growing to a flame
to a firestorm of love that no other power is able to tame
its wiping away all worries and fears
and in its heat there lies joy that brings forth sweet tears
its burning its way all through you, alighting fibre and blood
and even if ye tried to resist, ye knew that ye not could
withstand this power, this lovely spell of passion and heat
and in anticipation of ye touch oh so wild my heart begins to beat"

"Cold fingers reach for my heart
everytime i do have to part
from your side, my beloved Mistress of the Wood
i asked myself over and over if we should
not flee from all, and set sails for far away
but i know that this is impossible, since were bound to those we love and thus we stay
but im here for you, just whisper and i will hear ye call
and protect you from all harms with my body as a living wall"

"I look you in the eye, and ye know that ye death is near
yall shall not leave this place alive, thats pretty clear
for you dared to lay hand on the one woman that means everything to me
and for this insult, i swear, to the burning hells i send yee !"

"Alone in the night, my heart yearns for you
this lonelyness inside makes me feel so blue
ferever and ever, for all time
i wish that you will be mine
and should i die one day, felled by enemys swords
ill smile, and "l love you" will be my last muttered words"

"Blackness at heart, prevents me to smile
im searching for those that are like me
but long is the road, and it goes on mile on mile
maybe its no search at all - maybe i flee
from memories of the past, from face, word and sound
of the ones i loved so much, and who are forever bound
deep within my soul, yet so far away
but in my soul they always will stay"

"Raging Winds assault our life
bring Chaos, Misery and Strife
yet also teach us to not be lazy
unless we do want to go crazy

A Relationship attacked by lies and treachery
is bound to be torn to bits - at least it might seem to yee
that Doubt sewed into one Partners mind
might break the bond and let them Hearts leave each other behind

But those Forces who try to disrupt and to cause pain
forget that true Lovers will ride out these Storms, again and again
For serious Feelings are between the two, they are in Love
and they will rise above and be free, flying like the Dove

The Bond was strengthened even more lately, and noone ever will succeed
to tear these two people apart, for they stand for and to each other, they will bleed
if the need arises to do so, for they do not believe but know
that their Feelings and Love are for real, and not just plain show..."

"Feelings - how amazing they can be
making Butterflies flutter in yee
turning your world upside down
Make you act like a Clown
Let you cry out in pain
sometimes make you go insane

Yet, of all Feelings, Love is the most powerful of all
it is the one to make the strong man fall
and be soft and gentle to the woman of his dreams
or - well, sometimes - to the same Gender as it seems

But - tell me the truth - does it really matter ? No way
For Love isnt picky about in what Body to stay
it doesnt care for Beliefs, Age or the Colour of Skin
since it burns deep and alights the Fire of the "Sin"

Those of us who love, know how strong it can be
and how much our hearts beat when we see
that the other side feels the same and smiles to our face
and when both Lovers move with unnatural grace

Love is in the Air, for it is Spring and everything comes to life
there have been Winters in all our Pasts, there has been strife
but once you have found the "Flower" of your heart
be gentle and caring and not rude, for that will tear her apart

You men out there, remember that you owe your life to a woman
so - treat them with the Respect they deserve and be as nice as you can
For a Woman in Love is the greatest Prize there is to gain
do not beat, scream, abuse - for if you do, then Love will be slain

I write this because i am in love with you, Cynlunai
and because it is Spring and the Sun shines today
But i am sure there are some "Bees" humming around
and who knows - maybe soon some more "Children" will be found

Whatever you do, remember that only both of you make a Unity
Only together you are truly strong, yet i do truly pity
them who deny their feelings or are too shy to let them out
Cmon people, speak up and find out - instead of to grumble and pout..."

The following ain't much of a Poem, but and judge for yourself....

"Sometimes we expect things
sometimes we wish with all our heart
but yet, there are times where nothing seems to work out
everything goes astray, just as if the World is against us

Personal Gain sometimes drives us
we want to have more and more
we want to be recognized, maybe a Star
or maybe the opposite, just watch from afar
Smiling content with the knowledge that everything is as it should be

Stars and Shadows, both create a Unity
The people who are here are both
We are using our Fantasy to create something
that is much larger then we ever will be

Together - we will ride out the Storms of both
Fantasy and Real Life. For we are not just a bunch of people
who have come together for some weird Game as some say
No - we are Friends, maybe even more - maybe a Family

I dont know if i ever will truly belong to you all, but well, that is my wish
To be both recognized and play my part in the Spotlight
as well as see others have their "Victories" and smile from the side
Expectations and Dreams - everyone of us is full of them
And many had to make great Sacrifices - both in Game and Real Life

But whatever will come your - mine - our way
We will be there - for one another
In what way that ever may be

I care for you, and yes - to some of you i have lost my heart
Friendship and Love - those are the powers that will prevail"

Last one is named "For someone special"

"Fear struck yesterday, as you received the call
that something was wrong, which does frighten all
who are told to have this miserable fiend inside
and then might panic and try to hide

Some might fall in desperation, or get bitter
for no words will erase it, they are but glitter
yet it needs words to keep the faith
and to stay alive and not turn into a wraith

I know i am but a fool, one that wants to help
with my words and rhymes, i am such a whelp
but if i have learned one thing in my life its this
a strangers honest smile and care can be a bliss

So, whatever obstacle might still arise or be in your face
don't hesitate and do the battle, for you never fall from grace
believe and fight, even though your body will revolt
the pain inside will make your blood boil - never let it grow cold

Its easy for me you might say, to write and to suggest
but never having felt agony myself - well, to tell it right off my chest
i did experience it, twice - as i tried to end my life
first with pills, then with high voltage - didn't want to use a knife

The pain back then made me realize that i was ment to live
that i probably would meet other people in need, and then to give
the heart, mind and soul to make them clearly see and truly feel
that you can survive - and that Love and friendship even over thousands of miles are for real"
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