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Statsis Room
Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:31 pm
by thurvok
We are close on this.. just wondering HOW do you guys kite Curator during the fight with Fiona and Lany?? He summons at 100% and hits for like 13k soo whats an idea how to keep him occupidied while ya beat the ladies to 35% and can THAN turn the raids attention on Curator???
Re: Statsis Room
Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:45 pm
by riou
Use a defensive warrior or set aside a cleric or so to heal the kiter, make sure you are running the outer edges of the room or running out towards the outer edge after getting summoned, if you're running the inside you will get summoned and run into wall and stuff half/most of the time, it's kinda lame pathing.
Can also make a SK HT it for aggro and 1 cleric and 1 paladin healing (paladin can back up kite if sk ends up dieing)
With Splash and RC you should be able to cure the snare
Re: Statsis Room
Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:49 am
by thurvok
Welllllllll... actually.. we won last night.. we just took or strongest defensive warrior.. gave him a ton of healing support and had the rest of the raid beat on Fiona and Lany.. ( always keeping Lanys health 1-2% below Fiona's) till they both depopped at 35% than killed curator.. Actually now that we have it figured out it is not too bad.. Got our 1st look at the next event.. looks like in 1-2 more tries will have that one nailed as wel.. ( oooo that one will drop my new sword and mask).. Time to save up DKP.. hehehe...