Classic Shaman

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Classic Shaman

Postby Tonden_Ockay » Sun Sep 04, 2011 10:01 am

Hi all

I am looking at getting back into EQ. I used to play it back in the day, but it has been over seven years since I played last. Back then I had all kinds of time to play, however now days I have a lot going on in real life. There for I do not have large amounts of time to be online at any give time. This is why I will mostly be soloing.

I have a friend of mine that is playing an SK and I would like to play a Shaman. I never really played a shaman and it’s been a lot of years since I read much about them.

My goal would be to create a Shaman character like the ones I used to read and hear so much about back in the day. I used to hear that Ogre Shamans could solo things that most other class couldn’t back in Kunark and Velious.

So basically I’m looking for some help in setting my character for success at what I want him to be able to do.

Race: I am going to go with Ogre for the frontal stun and because their starting STA 127 and WIS 77 equals 204 before adding any starting points, which is higher then any other race that can play a shaman.

So I have my class and I have my race. Now I need to know what I should go for more STA or WIS if I want to be like those beastly soloing Shamans of the past (Kunark/Velious days).

Is HP King for a soloing Shaman?
Is AC King?
Where does Wis or Mana fall in the line of things for a Kunark/Velious soloing shaman?

Does it go something like this HP > STA > AC > Mana?

What items should I get or will I need?

Please feel free to post any helpful info you may have to aid me in this.
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Re: Classic Shaman

Postby Scalia » Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:57 pm

Will you be playing on a regular server or on a progression server? If playing on a regular server, will you be limiting yourself to the original/Kunark/Velious contents? Will you be using Defiant gear and/or mercenaries?

The reason I am asking is that stats only matter if you play without Defiant or mercenaries. Defiant will max your stats before level 50 and a tank mercenary will get you to 65+ even if you play naked.
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Shaman Main

Re: Classic Shaman

Postby Tonden_Ockay » Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:26 pm

I will be playing on progression server.

Does most HP and AC shaman gear come with STA or not ?
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Re: Classic Shaman

Postby Scalia » Mon Sep 05, 2011 7:07 pm

Ah, I see. I had a Shaman in 1999, but he was an alt and never got very far, so take the following with a grain of salt.

As I recall, there was a wide variety of gear at the time. Some pieces had good WIS, some had good STA and some had good AC, but you had to mix and match, especially if you were soloing and couldn't do most level appropriate gear camps on your own. Perhaps someone else can provide more information here, or you could ask the folks who are currently playing on the progression servers (either in-game or on the official forums.)
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Shaman Main

Re: Classic Shaman

Postby RewtsnDots » Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:25 pm

Back in the day the AC softcaps for shaman were lower than today and the return on AC over softcap was lower most shaman would have said that HP were better than AC once you were over the softcap. Today those figures of both AC softcap and return on AC are different and I don't think that the progression server community really has a consensus on whether AC is better than HP, or how much of either is equivalent. WIS and MANA have always been less important for shaman that any other caster, except maybe necros.

That being said, most of us didnt really have that much of a choice in our gear back then. I remember personally, that I was still wearing banded armor in most slots, with just a handful of slots having gear with any stats whatsoever. The totemic helm, with its +5 WIS was a right of passage for many shaman. It was Kunark that unleashed the shaman. The fungi tunic with massive regen (for that era), the jaundiced bone bracer and our epic for endless mana free damage, and torpor our lvl 60 heal over time is what made us the mad soloers. Any mob with dps less than torpor after it was slowed was potentially within our grasp.

Progression servers are NOT the same thing as original EQ, new best practices will be developed. Ogre is a good choice, add a few pts to AGI to be over 75, then I would probably max STA and the rest in WIS.
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