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The Spirit Realm • View topic - Odd Slay Maxes

Odd Slay Maxes

General Discussion for the EverQuest Paladin.

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Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Harlan » Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:11 pm


I'm returning back to the game after about 4+ years away. I did some reading and decided that I should hold at 71 and get some AAs built up in the Hole before continuing to level. My friend gave me a which I'm happy with and maxes slays of about 9850 (I forget the exact max atm) at SU7. I had a in the bank and figured that should have higher slays for the ripostes so I tried that. I never saw anything over 9800.

Granted my STR is about 4 points higher with the Claymore and it also has +ATK. But given the massive disparity between weapon damages (especially including the delay bonus) that the Greatsword should have the higher slays.

Can the extra few points of ATK make that much difference? If anyone would like I can visit LGuk and slaughter several hundred frogs to get absolute maxes. But I thought someone might be able to tell me why I'm not seeing much of a difference.


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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby shiftie » Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:19 pm

when choosing a weapon of equal> dmg always go with lowest delay when hunting undead. The faster the weapon the more chances at slays.

As for why the diff in dmg isn't that much. I've never ever heard of a bonus on slower weapons. I could be wrong though.

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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Harlan » Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:32 pm

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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby shiftie » Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:38 pm

It should slay higher yes. I couldn't say what is causing the disparity honestly. One looks like it has heroic str bonus but that is tacked on at the end.
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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Abazzagorath » Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:38 pm

Did you have different buffs? Shaman/druid strength buff (flexed arm icon) has an all skills modifier that increases max hit (and slays). The PoP weapon will definitely give higher slays.
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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Harlan » Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:44 pm

Both weaps were used back-to-back. I'll bring both to LGuk and get a solid answer.

On another topic, what would cause my Aura to drop? It's listed as permanent and I didn't click it off.

*nm on the swing-and-miss issue. My UI has MOB misses as a while "miss" as well as my own now... duh*
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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Valandil » Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:52 pm

Our auras last around (an educated guess) 30 minutes, so they aren't permanent.
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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Ughbash » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:14 am

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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby varutia » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:46 am

Last 30 minutes, but refresh every time you zone, so it gives illusion of lasting longer than 30 minutes a lot of the time.
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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Harlan » Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:34 pm

I tried recasting this and got the message "You do not have sufficient focus to maintain that ability." So I clicked it off and tried again and again a few minutes alter. I was out of combat the entire time. What gives?

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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Abazzagorath » Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:01 pm

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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Harlan » Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:50 am

Thanks, even after clicking the 'remove' option I could still not recast this. I was able to recast once I logged and returned. Is there no way to refresh buffs in the song window?
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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Ughbash » Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:15 am

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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Grungloe » Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:34 am

You are hitting the damage cap for that slay level.

It is something I noticed when I leveled up my paladin.

I had a Fabled Tantor's Tusk (100 damage).
I also had the 1.5 (71 damage)

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't beat the 1.5's max slay with the Fabled Tantor's Tusk.

This was with full level 80 shaman buffs & the paladin was at level 65.

After a few more levels & slay undead ranks, the Fabled Tantor's Tusk pulled away and I was able to slay for more.
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Re: Odd Slay Maxes

Postby Abazzagorath » Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:02 pm

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