Hi All,
Not sure if this is the best place to make this post, but with the upcoming server merge i just thought i should drop by and just let everyone know that there are other Australian players out there, so if you are stuck soloing or boxing night after night and want to play with others in your country and timezone and even do some raiding at prime playtimes and your not afraid of taking a free server transfer you should check out.
Terror Australis - Australian Everquest Guild
Server: The Rathe, Soon to be Prexus
About Us: Friendly raiding guild, raiding 3 nights a week for about 3-4 hours and use a simplified DKP System
What do we raid: Recently completed Tower and farming gear as well as taking a look at new and uncompleted raids.
Contact: [tell rathe.acidfeir or [tell rathe.krenky if interested.