Another returning shaman. I left right around the level increase to 70. I've purchased all of the new expansions except the latest.
I'm 3 boxing with my monk, cleric and want to keep my shaman at 69 until they catch up with me. I'm basically grinding out AA until they hit 69. I'm camping Veksar and getting about 1 AA per 15 minutes. this is while camped with my monk, cleric and the 3 mercs.
Way back when all of this info was on the Shamans crucible there was a list of recommended AA progression. I found that list but it's old and I wasn't sure if it's still the tried and true "recommendation" of the community. I realize I should tweak as needed to fit my play style, which I consider casual and only grouped with myself. lol
There's so many new things now that I'm just not sure where to go or what to do. I'm basically just grinding.
What advice would you give me in regards to AA, gear (I /baz defiant) and spells?
Here's my Magelo:
Monk -
Cleric -
Thank you,