I'm a 85 shaman, i use 25+ ac augs almost exclusively in all my gear. I understand how softcaps work but don't know the values for my class. I have roughly 4100 ac unbuffed and I'm wondering if some of these augs are being wasted because I am far over my cap. Would I be better off with all minimum 100hp/mana augs, all minimum 30AC augs, or a blend of the two? I wear full set of SoD T5 group gear. I don't pull agro often enough to tank and utilize all this AC but I would like to think that if the situation arises, I can hold my own and not get splatted. I also over-dot sometimes to make sure the tank isn't falling asleep. I personally feel that the additional AC out weighs the hp/mana gain in the grand scheme of things. With 20 or so slots for augs I think an extra 500-600 AC far outweighs a 2k hp/mana increase and also, mind you, most of these AC augs I use have some sort of hp/mana on them from 30-150 in some cases. Anyway, I would really appreciate any info you could share.