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The Spirit Realm • View topic - Demi-plane access

Demi-plane access

Questions about quests with rewards for everyone. See class areas for Epic and other Class-Specific quests.

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Demi-plane access

Postby thurvok » Sun Oct 28, 2007 6:21 pm

Part of this is 5 mini tasks in Dreadpsire leading up to killing Vule and such..

Ya need a Dreadspire Crest to get into a locked area.. Everthing I havd read says it should not be a big deal to get it.. WELL my guild has had several camping these... Under the fake rug, in the dining room, killing spiders to try and pop name to get crest.. we have done this for over 18 hours!!! and got 1 named to pop and no crest.. Is this really just a PITA camp that you can expect to take hours and hours and hours and hours .... etc.. Or might we be doing something wrong.. we camp in alcove off room where map shows named pops?? Named is Aliattis ... there is an other named that can drop it as well.. nit sufre where he pops...
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Postby Amanensia » Mon Oct 29, 2007 5:36 am

I presume you're talking about the key to get to Master Vule's area.

- Speak to the quest NPC standing near the fake rug.
- Get the appropriate task - I can't remember what it's called, this was ages ago, but someone else will know and/or look on Allakhazam. This is a GROUP task, you can flag six people at once.
- Go down the long spiral staircase (to the right of the main entrance hall in the castle).
- Kill the NPC that spawns down there, Keleborn Redmayne iirc. He respawns reasonably quickly - every half hour or so - and always drops the quest item.
- Loot the quest item and hand it back in to the quest NPC.

Voila, six people flagged for Vule's area.

You can also corpse summon or CoH people across the locked door if not everyone gets keyed before you raid Vule for the first time.
<a href="http://www.magelo.com/eq_view_profile.html?num=522803">Amanensia</a>
<a href="http://www.darkwind-guild.org/">Darkwind</a>
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Postby Grants » Mon Oct 29, 2007 6:59 am

Demiplane Access #1: Frustrated Functionary = you can enter the room where the Quartet is (needed to be able to get to Mayong Mistmoore and to continue to the 2nd task.
Demiplane Access #2: Frustrated Functionary = reward is Polished Mystical Glass Shard (needed to continue to the next step)
Demiplane Access #3: Eyes Wide Open = This is where you need the Dreadspire crest. + you get the Blurry lens(needed for next step)
Demiplane Access #4: Misty for You = Reward is Lens of Bound Eyes
Demiplane Access #5: Eye Bound = Lens of Bound Eyes + vule eye = 1 group is flagged for demi.

The tasks where you get Glass shard, blurry lens, lens of bound eyes is for groups. So doing them will get the whole group the awards.

So, if you have 1 group doing all 5 tasks, you get 6x Lens of Bound Eyes which can flag 6x6 people for demi. After that you can use 1 of the Blurry Lenses to do the 5th task again for another 6x Lens of bound eyes.

And yes the Dreadspire Crest is that rare, took our group 10-15 hours to get our Crest.

Keleborn has a longer respawn then 30 mins, more like 2 hours. Just remember to grab the task before you engage him.

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