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The Spirit Realm • View topic - Shaman AA changes

Shaman AA changes

Spell, Spell Quest, Aura, Totem and AA discussion.

Moderator: Shaman Mods

Shaman AA changes

Postby fendaann » Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:09 pm

https://forums.station.sony.com/eq/inde ... es.207363/

Breath of Antraygus was not given a target limit since it, like PBAE spells, requires the targets to be close to the caster. If there are upgrades to this line in future, a limit may be added.
The Lingering Sloth line had a proc limit added due to the fact that it has a chance to reflect a duration heal on the buffed player and because it has a very long base duration. Because of its long duration and because the duration heal doesn't stack with itself, this was given a large proc limit of 160.
We also reevaluated the mana cost of this line and have decided to increase it slightly over time to match the gains in power it makes.
We also decide to increase the chance for lower ranks to cast the heal effect from a slow proc. This has increased from 30/40/50 to 45/47/50, making ranks 1 and 2 much closer in healing power to rank 3.
This effect previously had no cap but now it is limited to a total of (roughly) 93366 health for the level 97 Rk. 1 version with a casting cost of 1153 mana.
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Re: Shaman AA changes

Postby fendaann » Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:10 pm

Some one started a Discussion on this thread

https://forums.station.sony.com/eq/inde ... te.207672/
Posts: 654
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