by anaskesia » Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:15 pm
[25732/2109] Mammoth's Force Rk. II
Classes: DRU/86 SHM/86
Mana: 371
Target: Single
Range: 200
Casting: 2.5s, Recast: 1.5s
Duration: 01:12:00 (720 ticks)
7: Increase Melee Damage by 10%
Fills your target with the power of the mammoth, increasing the damage they are capable of for %z.
[25732/2109] Mammoth's Force Rk. II
Classes: DRU/86 SHM/86
Mana: 401
Target: Single
Range: 200
Casting: 2.5s, Recast: 1.5s
Duration: 01:12:00 (720 ticks)
3: Increase ATK by 152
7: Increase Melee Damage by 10%
Fills your target with the power of the mammoth, increasing their attack rating by #3 and the damage they are capable of for %z.
Rank 1 is 141. Rank 3 is 164.
The original Champion spell was 140.
So, at rank 2 this is an upgrade of 12 atk. I sincerely doubt you could tell the difference between rk. 1 and rk. 3 to be honest, due to the natural variance (as Ughbash posted) but still I won't complain about it especially since I never have to cast the original Champion ever again.
In fact, I think I'm going to bestow the honor of being the first spell I've ever DELETED on Champion. Yes. It will feel good.