by Brohg » Sat Jan 28, 2012 3:15 am
My list would look somewhat different. In particular I don't think Ancestral Aid, Pact of the Wolf, Focus of Arcanum are worth AA points that early. You've left out Spell Casting Mastery (the most powerful AA any caster of spells can buy), the requisite 3 ranks of Mental Clarity to buy Cannibalization, Mnemonic Retention, Quick Buff AA, Fortified Intervention, and the last two ranks of Gift of Mana (that whole line is useless if not maxed). Silent Presence AA I think is only worth buying so early if as a prereq for Group Silent Presence, which I question in the face of Group Spirit Walk. I'll probably end up short on Combat Agi/Stabi ranks to get all this in, but it'll be a couple hours till I'm situated to load up TestEQ to break it down. Will edit then~
(editing. then.)
13 Innate Run Speed 5
3 Innate Metabolism 3
24 Natural Durability 6
75 Combat Stability 18
75 Combat Agility 18
21 Spell Casting Mastery 3
28 Spell Casting Reinforcement 5
2 Radiant Cure 1
18 Quick Buff 3
12 Mental Clarity 3
18 Gift of Mana 3
9 Gift of Radiant Mana
9 Gift of Exquisite Radiant Mana
9 Gift of Amazing Exquisite Radiant Mana
9 Gift of Dreamlike Exquisite Radiant Mana
12 Gift of Ascendant Exquisite Radiant Mana
21 Mnemonic Retention 3
74 Shield Block 9
111 Healing Adept 15
92 Healing Boon 12
113 Healing Gift 18
9 Call of the Wild
8 Hastened Call of the Wild 4
6 Quickened Call of the Wild 3
73 Cannibalization 6
30 Hastened Cannibalization 4
9 Fortified Intervention 3
12 Inconspicuous Totem 1
21 Turgur's Swarm 2
12 Malosinete 2
65 Virulent Paralysis 9
9 Spirit Walk
major caveats: if I had em to spend, I couldn't make myself be this strictly focused on support. Even with the unreasonably one-note decision making represented, this character isn't as good at support activities as you really want a raiding shaman to be. The noob multiplier on AA earning extends much further than 1000 AA these days for a reason.