Protectors who want to make an
immediate impact- we want you
Stable, honest and ethical, relaxing, caring, mature, PG13+, very fair minded upgrade policy - If these words describe a guild you want to be a part of,
Primal Evolution is worth checking out. Our PG13+ mantra is ~ FUN > ALL and we try to back this in everything we do.
We are looking for one well-rounded skilled, attentive and no-drama Paladin and we have special love for those of the shaman, necro, and bezerker persuasion. Spaces are limited but we're looking for personality fits.
Raid day/times: Sun-Thur 7:30pm - midnight/1am eastern
Desires: 3x/week or more raid availability
Progression: Ashengate
Farm targets: All of DK and Demi, as well as Vergalid Mines expedition, Kellak, etc.
Language: PG13+
Raid organization/style: Relaxed (picture yourself raiding on Gilligan's Island)
Two levels of applicants accepted - Pledges and Full applicants
- Full applicants need Dreadspire key and ToB key completed along with level 75, 400+ AA's.
- Pledges can be missing the following (just not all): AA requirements, Dreadspire key, ToB key
Raid backflags - We'll provide Demi/DK/AG raid backflags if you need.
TSS factioning - plan to immediately work toward Ally/Ally to both AG (1st) and Frostcrypt (just starting our factioning here).
Stitch's Ambush - RIP, August 13, 2007
Vergalid (WELCOME TO ASHENGATE SIDE) - RIP, August 7, 2007
Goru Uldrock, the Reincarnate - RIP, July 30, 2007
Nurtha Frazzlesprocket - RIP, July 30, 2007
The Mad Choir - RIP, July 18, 2007
(Goodbye PoR expansion)
Mayong - RIP, March 6, 2007
(Goodbye DoD expansion)
* We will provide all raid backflags needed *
Our playerbase has both full time raiders and part time raiders, so we have a hybrid loot system utilizing all of the following to make sure all who raid are rewarded and rewarded fairly
and repeatedly.
• 45-day rot DKP system which includes returning points to you 46 days after they're spent
• Loot Council (officers/members) decides winner based on several factors
• Item cost is demand based
• Low demand items are dictated for free so less rots
We believe in spreading loot around (AKA we're only as good as our weakest link) rather than top down gearing.
Our website is:
Our message board is:
Or you can contact our two recruiting officers Crystilla or Bydr via in game tells ( ;tell erollisi.crystilla ) or in game emails as well.