Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster. The information I've learned here has been invaluable leveling up my shammy.
Lets start this out proper, with a newbish question
I recently came back from a looong break. Quit right before LoY came out. Leveled my shaman from 52 to 68 learning a lot as I go. Now my wife has decided to play eq1 with me. Shes set on playing a bard. I will be boxing my shaman and another toon. Was trying to decide which other toon to box. I'm leaning at Zerker or Monk. I like fast killing groups. Which, in your experience would tank better between zerker and monk? Also is bard snare worth giving up zerker snare and going with monk? Any other classes can be considered, though I do really enjoy slaying stuff quickly
I hear that a bard will make a zerker into a killing powerhouse.
I've considered SK and War but honestly, reading about how much aa and gear I would need to be half decent has really intimidated me. Its been tough enough gearing my shaman to keep him from being a laughingstock.
Thanks in advance.