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The Spirit Realm • View topic - What was/is your druids AA progression path?

What was/is your druids AA progression path?

General Discussion for the EverQuest Druid.

Moderator: Druid Mods

What was/is your druids AA progression path?

Postby Cromagnon » Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:02 pm

With so many ways to play a druid, in group, soloing, raiding, etc. and the wide variance in AAs for druids, as they are one of the true Utility Classes, what has your druid's AA path been, or was it as you leveled?

For Dartil, he's at around 286 AAs, and for my playstyle, I first focused on the utility/class aas (Innate Camo, Shared Camo, Radiant Cure, Call of the Wild & related AAS, Heal Crits & Heal %, and also worked hard to get his combat agility up to par, as well as working planar power to expand my mana pool, and innate enlightenment).

A short bit about my play style, when I solo Dart I usually use the Charm Kiting tactic, and therefore dots for me aren't used much except to wrap up a series of kills. When grouping, whether healing or DDing I tend to use the AoE Rain spells, as I have more control over timing, and can sit in Out of Combat Regen for a longer period of time, when healing this is very handy as well, since you can cast the rain on the target you are healing, or any other PC, to make sure you don't get hit by it, or miss a heal due to retargeting.

Know alot of druids go the critical dots route earlier rather than later, personally myself I plan on doing the DD Crits before DoTs, since I use my Rain spells more often than dots, but plan on doing dots not long after.

Just a thought, figured the AA paths could be wildly divergent, since there truly are so many ways to play this class, can't wait to hear what some of you have to say in regards to the paths you have chosen, and any tips for anyone else out there.
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Re: What was/is your druids AA progression path?

Postby Tanom » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:05 pm

Heal AAs since I was able. After is when I got Exodus, Call of the wild, shared camo and other utility AAs, pet bear AA and the DD AAs, beginning to work on Dot AAs and just got my run speed cause after years of doing it Im bored of casting shrew and indoor wolf form. I strongly believe in Healing AAs first. We will never, NEVER be taken for DPS unless the devs actually decided to give us something good. We will not be brought for our debuffs nor our utility, because almost every class has a replacement for our utilities and a BST, ENC, SHM, and even a NEC for undead would be taken for slow. The only thing we will be taken in for groups for is healing and that is the group is tired waiting for 2 hours for a cleric or u got friends that know ur skills.
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Re: What was/is your druids AA progression path?

Postby Khauruk » Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:47 pm

Basic utility first (Exodus, few ranks of RC, Shared Camo, Entrap AA), since they're way too useful to miss out on, then heal AAs all the way. I'm at 350 right now, and sadly still only have one rank of defensives (rarely played though, except to Pl lately).
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Re: What was/is your druids AA progression path?

Postby Tilluan AB » Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:54 am

Your path really depends on your playing style.

Surely utility "AAs" are always usefull (group invis, exodus)

Buy cheap AAs first, then invest into Mastery, then advance towards Nuke Crits, Dot Crits or Heal AAs depening on your favorite role.

Even with 600 AAs you will not be in shape :)
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Re: What was/is your druids AA progression path?

Postby Cromagnon » Wed Jul 23, 2008 1:23 pm

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Re: What was/is your druids AA progression path?

Postby Kelea » Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:26 pm

I did the very basic utilities first - well then you had to invest in general and archetype first but exodus and innate camo were my first real investments. From there I did almost solely healing AAs adding in occasionally mana regen / wisdom increases.... and then on to nuke oriented stuff after the healing lines. When nature's bounty came out (and increased) I would purchase those in between sets of other stuff just as something fun to break up the monotony.
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