by Brohg » Tue May 18, 2010 3:54 pm
You're not impressed by the sexy sexy Brusk's Champion Ring I was wearing last fall?
...all set.
Not very radical changes. Three group upgrades from Underfoot, a couple raid items. The boomerang spear, which is excellent - can't really recommend that highly enough for a main shm, Sympathetic Alleviation is awesome.
I'm working my way up the Underfoot shawls. Whenever Sculpted Ring of Elements drops I'll upgrade my group ring. Also I've decided to go farm up a +spec conj. augment. Really, I should have had one for ages, I cast damage spells a lot. Those and one of the mob-drop Sympathetic Alleviation augs are basically my "what's next" list. I've been told the upgraded group heal click on UF BPs is worth picking up, but since I outrank nearly all the tanks in guild I've just been passing like a madman on armor and I'll probably continue to do so for a while.