I have a small regular group consisting of Pally, Bard, Nec, Shm, Mage and usually a Cleric merc. All are group equipped with gear ranging from Teir5 to Teir7.
Having just completed the Teir 6 progression missions, we have moved to Teir 7 to equip up ready to start progression and we are camping the Enhanced Minion V item for the pet classes.
The trash is all well and good but a second name spawns called Grai who fires off an AE 12 sec mez every so often. The group have managed to kill Grai a couple of times but one unresisted mez on the pally results in a wipe/near wipe.
How do others deal with mezzing names?
I make sure the Pally has a spell reflection familiar and the spell reflection buff up (silent piety) but not sure these help.
Any advice gratefully received.