Northern Ro - The Root of Ro: Key to the Past

This mision begins with Tak`Valnakor in Northern Ro. When you talk to him he says that he is interested in archaeology and a man named Krylin. The phrase "'Ancient city" will start the task and send you to the Ruins of Takish-Hiz. You can find Krylin in a building in the SW area of the zone. One person needs to speak with him, saying "discover", to trigger the instance in the cave in the northern portion of the zone. Head up and zone in.

Once inside the Root of Ro you'll need to collect five tablet pieces. The first four of these drop from any mob in the zone, the last comes from BeauDril The Queens Defender at the very top of the zone. Simply clear your way up, you should get the four random drops on the way without having to pull everything. Be mindful of the ladders as mobs agro on each level, good idea to send tank first. The trash is not difficult, but the AEs can be quite anoying. The named is nothing special, flury 1200ish.

Once you have the five parts, gate out, or lev run down, etc... Return to Tak'Valnakor to complete the task. You will get a chest with one of these:

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