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The Spirit Realm • View topic - Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

General Discussion for the EverQuest Paladin.

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Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby varutia » Wed May 02, 2012 7:51 am

We have a collection of information on where to level at which area. I will attempt to collect the data together and add my own experience of each level in question. This is really written in a solo prospective and there had been many changes in gear since I was at particular level. So feel free to add more information and discuss, I will edit the post when required.

Since we get slay undead at 59, there is only minor difference on what we kill prior to that.

60 to 65

Undead murkglider in Wall of Slaughter
Temple area in Hole --> This is best xp area in the area in my personal experience,

66 to 70

Unead murkglider in Wall of Slaughter
Temple area in Hole --> Best in my own experience by a large margin, low hp and weak hitting mobs.

71 to 75 --> This is kinda the tough spot where you may have to struggle pass.

71 can still do Temple area in Hole --> Keep doing Hole until 72
Undead drakes in Nest
Ruins of Ilsalin --> Tough at this level, but still possibly the best option, mobs only got about 40k hps, which seems a lot but actually lot less than what you will encounter in the future. However I suggest sticking to spiders onthe central island and avoid blood knight.

76 to 80

Ruins of Ilsalin --> Best by far, easy to travel to, lots of mobs and relatively low hps total. I'd say say still stick to the central island and avoid the shiliskin mobs with their nasty bolster at this stage.
Direwind cliffs

81 to 85

Ruins of Ilsalin --> Start swarming the area for good xp, single kills no longer gain sufficient rate anymore.
Direwind cliffs

86 to 90

86 can still do Ruins of Ilsalin
Frostcrypt --> This is when Frostcrypt become good xp spot, swarming is still required to gain xp at a decent rate.
Feerott --> Pretty ok area if swarming is not your thing.
Hills of Shade

91 to 95

Hills of Shade
Feerott --> Only area I have found gives decent xp rate, however it is worse than it is at level 90.
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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Dorillion » Wed May 02, 2012 12:36 pm

What are decent rates of AAs ?
well in your opinions.

I get like 10-12 AAs in one lesson or so in HoS (I am not good a swarming so I kill lke 2-5 mobs at a time)
And I get 6 outside lesson same way.
I do HoS cause I am comfortable there, knowing my way around and all of that.
FC and I don't really get along for solo XP yet, but not giving up on that place jut yet.
Atm lvl 89 all AAs up to SoD and assorted ones after that (3889 outside of glyphs) I am guessing most after SoD are the new in UF and some DPS ones.
No updated magelo are available
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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby varutia » Thu May 03, 2012 7:07 am

10 to 15 per lesson burn is reasonable rate if you are group geared and got ok AA. If you are fully raid geared that is an entirely different story.

85 I was pulling 15 or so per lesson burn in RoI, no camp out or anything like that and I loot every mob killed as well. 90 I was getting 15 to 20 in Feerott, it do involves some pre work to get task ready when you lesson. They nerfed the task xp which is really really annoying. I get about 10 to 12 per lesson burn now in Feerott, kinda sad level up actually reduces our xp options.
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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby boukk » Sat May 05, 2012 1:59 pm

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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Brohg » Sun May 06, 2012 8:31 pm

self heals hold agro off her np? that was an issue for me doing the same thing in a group format at 85 as a warrior
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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby varutia » Mon May 07, 2012 7:38 am

Self heal, rune proc, fully hastened beacon etc would probably do the trick.
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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Ughbash » Mon May 07, 2012 10:53 am

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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Brohg » Tue May 08, 2012 5:54 am

Monks are gd cheatyfaces on low content and you know it. On exp mobs they nullify damage via defensive skills like 2x the rate tanks do? I'm amazed you needed healing with 30 sec mend in Mech Guardian.
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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Ughbash » Tue May 08, 2012 9:54 am

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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Blabberpuss Stryyker » Tue May 22, 2012 10:42 am

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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Ughbash » Tue May 22, 2012 3:26 pm

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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Tersur » Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:47 am

I swarmed mech guardian for awhile and got 2 shrink clickys. No aug. No invis clicky. Would highly recomend this zone for 90ish just for the drops in addition to xp. Unfortuately top floors start getting green at 93ish.
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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Droctrebor » Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:08 am

This is probably a dumb question but are you guys using a "task" to get into MG ? Never been in the zone/guardian before. It seems that all the tasks require a group but everyone is talking about soloing it here. If it is a task that gets you access which one is it ?

Thanks in advance !
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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Elric » Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:23 am

Yes, you need a task to zone into MG.

That said, it's been ages since I went there, so I am not sure on the reqs ( if it can be solo'd/duo'd, or what)
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Re: Comprehensive guide to undead slaying spot 60 to 95

Postby Ughbash » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:45 pm

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