by Gart » Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:27 am
Those Florida hurricanes were nothing like what happened with Katrina. They were primarily used as a chance to bribe Florida voters with FEMA largesse before an election. FEMA even funded more funerals than the number of folks who were killed.
There's still a squalid FEMA shantytown from one of those earlier hurricanes. I have no idea what they will do with them in 2 months when everyone is forcibly evicted, and it seems like poor planning to simply set up squalid FEMA shantytowns for Katrina refugees.
They hopefully have better solutions in store than that. Support the diaspora and give national housing vouchers or something. Much better than temporary slums that don't move folks out of dysfunctional cycles. Then keep rebuilding a modified, and likely smaller New Orleans.
People would be better off provided nothing so they are forced to move on with life / community outreach rather than get housed in mass FEMA slums.