I just started boxing a shaman with my paladin, magelo for the pally is below. Shaman is lvl 62, with negligible gear, i picked up the piece for the chest, hands, and legs in arcstone, they seem to have some nice mods/clickies w/e. For jewelry, i have the dwerium setup giving 400 mana a piece, and i figure ill get the cultural gear when he gets to 65. Im looking for some undead to duo for decent AA for the paladin, I know he is lacking in the AA area and Im worried about leveling more because the drakes in the Accursed Nest already became light blue from 75-77. I was hoping I could get some advice on places I could kill for good AAs with my setup, while catching the shaman up in levels. Also, can I get a general outline on AAs he (the shaman) should be getting to improve the effectiveness of my 2 box, and what spells are going to be crucial for the duo over the next levels. Thanks
I went to Ruins of Illsallin for a little bit today, and between the summoning(not really an issue for a paladin, just annoying), not being able to stun them, and poor locations of mobs, it didnt seem to be an effective spot. Maybe Im missing something there, and someone can post some info about duoing there. ALso, those drachnids were LB con to the paladin.