I may just jump in here and clarify a few things.
Cromagnon - The HT ability when all AA's are bought refreshed every 21 minutes, not 24 hours that you mentioned earlier.
My main is an SK and when necessary, can pump out very good amounts of dps... how you may ask? Well, the big trick to maximizing your dps is to use a method called "spell-threading".
Unmei touched on it, but basically, when I am tanking, I lock down the adds with a few well timed ae agro spells. Now that I have gained the attention of the adds onto me, I use my shammy to cast sloth on SK and I find that this is fantastic to keep agro on sk as the slows proc on the mobs as they hit generate a good amount of agro.
Now, spell threading is very important in that you need to time your casting with your melee swings. As Unmei stated, Lifetaps are perfect in that they are 1.5 sec cast. With my weapon that has a 36 delay, there is a 1.8 sec interval between swings (can you see where this is going? ), now when I spell thread, I need to time my cast to fall at the end of my previous swing and finish casting prior to the commencement of the next swing, in this fashion, if I can time my cast by carefully watching my swings, it works out like this:
at timer 0 -hit for 1200;
at timer 1.8 sec - cast lifetap 1 and tap for 2000 (1.5 sec cast time); finish tapping at 3.3 sec (provided I commenced casting immediately on hit)
at timer 3.6 sec - hit for 300
cast lifetap 2 and tap for 3000
at timer 5.4 - hit for 800
cast lifetap 3 and tap for 1500
Can you see how this is going? I agree that this method takes a lot of practise, but to suggest that SK's are always poor in the dps deparment is just plain false. During a fight, with a mana pool of around 19k, thats a LOT of tapping I can do to:
a. stay alive;
b. keep agro locked on me; and
c. to burn a mob down, even if i dont use my 75k HT (21k DD and the remainder as a DoT).
For those that are really interested in what I have just spoken about, here is the link to a thread in the SK forums that describe it better than I ever can:
http://www.evilgamer.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3852But, however one looks at it, an SK is there for one purpose and one purpose only.... to TANK. I am the significant speedhump between whatever mobs are incoming and my silk/leather/chain buddies that I am with at that time. Once I lock down agro, a wizard can actually BURN like mad and not draw agro off me (once I know they are about to do this that is!!
I do not consider myself a DPS class, and neither do most SK's. However, when we are with a shammy, this is pure heaven for me! And take into account that my 3 box is SK/Shammy/monk.. there is not much that I cant do! I also box my Chanter in there occasionally as well, its much different and still lots of fun
That being said, I only pump out around 1000 - 1500 DPS, unless I am in burn mode and then, using the spellthreading as above, can achieve upwards of 3k+ dps for short times. I cant forget the innate procs of soul abrasion and touch of the cursed AA's when I fight, as they tap for a large amount as well.
I have found SK and warriors at similar levels/gear are very close to achieving a similar end state in DPS, but the warrior far outstrips me in highend raid stuff.
lol - and my buffed pet actually adds about 250 dps as well... and sometimes he out-DPS's me!!!!
Can you smell the fear? Can you taste the fear? Can you feel the fear? If no, fear not for you soon will!!!!!