Ascending Dawn - Zek Server
http://www.ascendingdawn.comAscending Dawn is primarily a raiding guild. That being said, we are aware and understanding about matters outside of Everquest which effect one's time inside Everquest. Ascending Dawn's leadership is comprised of a council of 7 Officers who are elected (and are put up for Re-election every 6 months) by the member base. Officer nominations are held when an Officer steps down, retires or is voted out of his position. We are currently looking for 1-2 Shamans who have solid playtime and are either skilled raiders or have the desire and ability to learn. If you are viewing this forum and play another class but find yourself interested please contact on of the Officers listed below.
;tell Zek.Deekex, ;tell Zek.Cannun, ;tell Zek.Teivel, ;tell Zek.Moordred, ;tell Zek.Oxuan, ;tell Zek.Gildurath, ;tell Zek.Sevh
Shaman Contact:
;tell Zek.Jaybizzer
Raid Hours and Content
We currently raid:
Sundays 7PM -12PM EST
Mon + Tues + Wed + Thurs 8PM - 12PM EST
We are currently raiding:
We have tower on farm (with the majority of the gear going to current recruits)
Have beaten Fippy a number of times pre-patch
Currently attempting to work on PG and hope to have the first 3 UF raids on farm soon.
We are currently fielding raids of Approx. 50 people
Requirements to Apply
Level 83
500 AA's
All expansions including Underfoot
Ability to maintain at least a 50% RA
High playtime outside of raids if you are behind on AA's, Levels, Gear
Zek and You:
Although Zek typically has a bad reputation I can assure you aside from being given the choice of fighting PvP the differences from a non-PvP server are small. I used to the word choice before on purpose - As Everquest has evolved into an instance intensive game, PvP has shifted from a fact of life on Zek, to a past-time certain people choose to engage in. Similarly, being as Ascending Dawn is undoubtedly the premiere PvP guild on the server, any contested open zone (a rarity) is yours for the taking. If PvP is not for you it is almost always easily avoidable but if it so happens you want to test yourself against a player opponent the option is always available and your guild mates always at the ready.
Loot System
Ascending Dawn uses a Weighted Loot Value system. The system works as such - Every hour during our raids a log is taken. 1 log per hour is given unless special circumstances allow for more (Special circumstances include and are almost exclusively comprised of Progression raids where 2 logs per hour are given). Each item is given a designated value of 1 through 5. When you loot an item you are charged the value of the item and it is put in your loot history. Your loot history is comprised of all the loots you have received in the last 200 logs you have attended (Your last 200 or fewer hours of raiding). The sum total of all item values in your loot history adds up to your Weighted Loot Value and your Weight Loot Value is lowered 200 logs after you loot an item. If you have any questions feel free to contact any of the officers listed above
Example: I loot a Tower Chest Essence on my 10th Log in the guild (I am charged a value of 3 for this loot). I now have a WLV of 3. I loot a Tower weapon on my 60th log in the guild (I am charged a value of 5 for this loot). I now have a WLV of 8. I raid for another 151 Logs bringing my total to 211. As my chest essence was looted over 200 logs ago I lose 3 from my WLV and my WLV is now 5.
Recruitment Period
In order to be eligble for full membership a player is expected to complete several requirements. These requirements are:
Level 85 (Although this is expected to be completed within your first week in the guild)
Fulfilling Class AA requirements (Typically somewhere in the 1100 range)
Gaining approval from Class Rep. (Demonstrate ability to perform duty on raids)
Having attended 125 raid logs (This takes 5 weeks at 100% raid attendance and no double logs - Currently, with double logs, this period is shorter)
Showing reasonable character progression outside of raids (Gear, Augs, UF and Void Flagging)
If you do not meet the requirements listed above please contact an Officer to discuss your options
If you have ANY questions about the guild or Zek please contact an Officer
If you are a cross server applicant please note you are very much welcome and if you find yourself reluctant to transfer without knowing more about the guild please let myself or another Officer know and we can put your in touch with any of our current recruits - We offer this so people can get a less biased and more realistic perspective of the guild (It doesn't benefit anyone if you join but find out it isn't what you're looking for - You won't play as much which sucks for both the guild and you and you won't have a good time when you do play which sucks for you).
Application is located under the Guild tab (Which when filled out will automatically make a post and update your permissions on the forum) which can be accessed after you register on the website (Please use your in game name when registering).
Remember that regardless of your current situation (Raid experience, gear, AA's etc.) if you have the dedication, playtime and the desire to be at the top we can help you get there. If you are online actively looking for things to do it'll be a short period of time before you're among the best.