Just wanted to ask for a quick gear/AA check to see if I missed anything vital.
I'm mostly geared in old gear plus some new Ancient Heroes stuff and cheap pieces from the bazaar. Also my friend picked up some of that Rubicite stuff when it dropped while boxing me. I managed to upgrade most PoP era stuff for really no cash at all in the bazaar.
When it comes to AA's I've picked the vital ones like VP and Canni. I really haven't spent much in healing because 9 times out of 10 we have a main cleric or a paladin with cleric merc.
For the same reason, I haven't really thought about going deeper into the survivability AA's since I have a good tank, but maybe its one way to go...
I don't need any real in depth breakdowns since I'm super causal right now, just something to look out for if something comes to mind.
A few questions:
1) Is dogburn/panther a good idea for dps?
2) How to increase my burst DPS in really short fights?
3) Who has my JBB?

Thanks in advance.
Vigdisdottir, formerly known as Vigdisx