by Kneesmasher » Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:57 pm
Nope, that's not right. Rampage doesn't change once set unless the Rampage Tank dies, goes out of range or becomes the MT. The MT who pulled with an arrow would NOT become rampage tank if he loses aggro to the second MT who uses AE Taunt. He won't. Once again, that scenario would make the DA RT Paladin lose Rampage. That's not what happens. When the MT is tanking a mob he pulled and I'm Rampage Tank and a rogue steals aggro due to his DPS, the MT doesn't become Rampage. When a wizard gets summoned because he over nuked, the MT doesn't instantly become Rampage until the wizard either dies or gets out of aggro range. That's not how it works. If it did, every time the MT lost aggro, my DA hammer would become useless. It is far far from useless.
I DA Rampage Tank with my Paladin all the time. Almost every night we raid. Once I am established as Rampage Tank...if we do it right...I am Rampage Tank. Lots of mobs these days cause the MT to lose aggro. Zi-Thuuli is just one example. The MT probably changed 10 times while I rampage tanked him...maybe more. It changes alot when tanking Zi-T. I was rampage the entire time.
It works like this for mobs that have Rampage:
MT pulls with Arrow - 1st on Hate List
Paladin tags with a stun - 2nd on Hate List
Paladin is now on Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
Wizard over nukes and becomes 1st on the Hate List
Paladin is still on Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
MT AE Taunts and gets aggro back
Paladin is still on Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
MT gets a feign death from the mob and Rogue is now first on the Hate List
Paladin is still on Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
MT stands up and takes aggro back
Paladin is still on Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
Paladin's DA hammer procs dropping him to the bottom of the Hate List
Paladin is still on Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
(Yes, the mob will continue to rampage me even with my DA up...)
MT dies and a Monk now has aggro
Paladin is still on Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
Monk Feigns Death and drops aggro
Paladin becomes FIRST on the Hate List
Paladin loses Rampage because you can't be first on the Hate List and Rampage Tank at the same time
Rampage changes to whoever is next on the List (probably a Healer)
The Paladin's DA Hammer procs again dropping him to the bottom of the Hate List
Paladin returns to Rampage Tank until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List again
Mob begins to attack Healer who is now First on the Hate List
Paladin is still on Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
Paladins DA wears off and he is once again First on the Hate List when it drops
Paladin is no longer Rampage because he's First on the Hate List
Rampage now appears to be bouncing all over the place, but it's not. It's simply working down the list
A Warrior charges in and takes aggro and is now First on the Hate List
Paladin returns to Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
Warrior dies and Healer is now First on the Hate List due to big Spam Heals
Paladin is still on Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
Healers dies and Paladin is now First on the Hate List again
Paladin loses Rampage because he's first on the Aggro List
Rampage goes to whoever is next in line on the list
Mob hits Paladin with a big Knockback and flings him across the room out of Melee Range
Paladin is now out of Melee Range and out of Rampage Range
Whoever is first on the Hate List and in range is now getting attacked directly
Whoever is second on the Hate List and in range is now getting Rampaged
The last Warrior charges in, hits AE Taunt and becomes first on the Hate List
Rampage goes to whoever is next in line on the list
Paladin runs back into Range
Paladin is now Rampage until he dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List
Paladin dies as Rampage Tank
Rampage goes to next on the list who happens to be a Wizard
Wizard dies on first round of Rampage
Rampage goes to next on the list
That player dies
Rampage goes to next on the list
That's how it works. Rampage doesn't change once set properly unless the RT dies, goes out of range or becomes first on the Hate List. Now, there are a few mobs out there that do some funky things. Some clear their hate list completely. That can screw things up. But aside from those few mobs (although becoming more common) Rampage doesn't change once set unless the RT dies...etc. etc.